Join the education movement of tomorrow.
Urance Inc
The objective of Urance Inc. is to provide school supplies commonly used by students in a course of study. We aim to locate schools in Jamaica West Indies that need basic school supplies and collaborate with school officials to see how best we can support their needs. Members of the company are encouraged to participate in fundraising activities to support our cause.
As a community, Urance Inc. seeks to stimulate a close and working relationship among the members, the student body and the administration. Furthermore, we intend to develop a working relationship with other professional groups for the improvement and delivery of education supplies.
Growing up in poverty, I had firsthand experience of the severe impact that poverty can have on a child in various levels. From mental and emotional trauma to outright exploitation and physical damage. Poverty takes away the opportunities for a child to grow and develop their true potential. Poverty destabilizes their sense of self and poses possibly long-term harm and interferes with access to education, career opportunities, and even personal growth experiences.
It is a fact that education directly correlates with many solutions to poverty, including reduced violence at home and in the society, reduced income inequality and economic growth. Therefore, Urance Inc main goal is to provide schools in Jamaica West Indies and the Caribbean with school supplies and to collaborate with school officials to see how best we can support their needs. As we work with these schools to create an environment conducive to learning, we will need your support for the goals we set out to accomplish.
Urance Inc was founded by Marlon Henry, a Licensed Social Worker and a Director for a residential program in the Bronx. Marlon who resides in the Bronx, received a master’s degree at Fordham University, and it is in his belief that early childhood education has a tremendous impact on a child’s development, that led to starting Urance Inc. Urance is a not-for-profit corporation that provides school supplies commonly used by students, to elementary schools located in Jamaica W.I. and the Caribbean.